Roger G. Trim
Roger G. Trim is a principal in and office litigation manager of the Denver, Colorado office of Jackson Lewis. He represents and counsels employers on the full range of employment matters including discrimination, retaliation, harassment, wrongful discharge, breach of contract and noncompete cases.
No matter the forum, and whether single-plaintiff, multi-plaintiff or pattern and practice class actions, Roger has successfully defended employers in litigation involving Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Family Medical and Leave Act, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act, the Colorado Wage Claim Act, the Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act, and 42 U.S.C. 1981 claims. His litigation experience extends to administrative proceedings before the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Colorado Civil Rights Division, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, the National Labor Relations Board and the United States Department of Labor as well as with alternative dispute resolution and traditional labor arbitration proceedings.
Roger has represented employers across multiple industry sectors including companies in the transportation, media, energy, technology, retail, manufacturing, logistics, real estate, electronics, healthcare, and financial services industries. His clients rely on him to provide advice concerning a multitude of human resources issues, including the creation of employee handbooks and leave policies, the design and implementation of layoffs and reductions in force, and the drafting of employee contracts and noncompete agreements.
Honors and Recognitions
- The Best Lawyers in America©, “Employment Law – Management” (2025)
Media Quotes
- “New pay transparency laws mean companies will have to account for disparities,” Marketplace, October 25, 2022
- “Spread of Pay Disclosure Laws Exposes Employers to Bias Suits,” Bloomberg Law, September 6, 2022
- “Wage Violations Targeted in Latest State Legislative Proposals,” Bloomberg Law, June 28, 2022
- “Biden Vaccine Orders Likely to Collide with State Mandate Limits,” Bloomberg Law, September 20, 2021
- “Workplace Changes Abound Post-Election,” World at Work, November 4, 2020
- “What Colorado employment lawyers are telling their clients about COVID-19,” Denver Business Journal, March 30, 2020
- “Department of Labor Resets Independent Contractor Guidance,” Law Week Colorado, June 26, 2017
Published Works
- “Federal Court Blocks Enforcement of Montana’s Vaccination Discrimination Law,” SHRM Online (December 20, 2022) [Author]
- “Montana Limits Inquiries into Immunization Status,” SHRM Online (May 19, 2021) [Author]
- “2017 Colorado Human Resources Manual,” American Chamber of Commerce Resources (2017) [Co-Author]
- “Guard Who Failed Test Can’t Prove Firing Was Gender Bias,” SHRM Online (February 24, 2016) [Co-Author]
- “2015 Colorado Human Resources Manual,” American Chamber of Commerce Resources (2015) [Co-Author]
- “2014 Colorado Human Resources Manual,” American Chamber of Commerce Resources (2014) [Co-Author]
- “The New Normal: How Food and Drug Manufacturers Can Successfully Navigate Federal Agencies Vigorous Enforcement Actions,” FDLI Update (June 2013) [Co-Author]
- “Should I Pay Myself Overtime? Determining Whether A Payroll Position Is Exempt Under The FLSA,” CPA Practice Management Forum (June 2012) [Co-Author]
- “Exploring Dodd-Frank’s Effect on Workplace Law,” CPA Practice Management Forum (May 2011) [Co-Author]
- “Avoiding Pratfalls of Employee Leave of Absence Requests by Taking a Holistic Approach,” CPA Practice Management Forum (November 2010) [Co-Author]
- “The Supreme Court of Oregon Takes a Federalist Approach to Invalidate Part of State Medical Marijuana Law,” ABA Section of the Labor and Employment Law Flash (July 2010) [Co-Author]
- “Major Developments & Trends in Employment Law,” CPA Practice Management Forum (October 2009) [Co-Author]
Speaking Engagements
- “Pay Transparency Laws on the Rise,” Corporate Labor and Employment Counsel Exclusive (Colorado Springs, CO, September 2022) (presenter)
Insights & news
magna cum laude, Order of the Coif
cum laude
magna cum laude, Order of the Coif
cum laude