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What We Offer

  • Creativity. Clients come to us with problems and expect effective solutions. We look for solutions that meet the clients' objectives while complying with applicable law.
  • Flexibility. Our attorneys manage multiple cases and assignments while working with many different colleagues, clients and deadlines.
  • Passion. Our attorneys share a passion for client service and take ownership of matters.

Successful Jackson Lewis attorneys demonstrate creativity, flexibility and passion.

Attorney Resource Groups


  1. African American Attorney Resource Group
  2. Asian American Attorney Resource Group
  3. Disability/Neurodiversity Attorney Resource Group
  4. Hispanic Attorney Resource Group
  5. Jewish Support Group (JSG)
  6. Middle Eastern & North African (MENA)
  7. Out Professionals & Allies in Law (OPAL)
  8. Practicing & Parenting (P&P)
  9. Veterans Attorney Resource Group
  10. Women’s Interest Network (WIN)

Jackson Lewis is proud to offer ten Attorney Resource Groups (ARGs). These groups provide opportunities to share lived experiences, create mentoring relationships, enhance business and client development networks, and develop programming across all firm offices.


We have formalized retention strategies aimed at supporting our own attorneys in each local office. While mentoring attorneys has always existed on an informal basis within our firm, we developed and implemented a formal program to enhance our development and retention of all attorneys, specifically including those from underrepresented and historically excluded backgrounds, and assist in ensuring that we maximize their opportunities to succeed once hired.


Wellness and Flexibility

We are committed to promoting the well-being of our employees, no matter their position or seniority. We believe that the firm is at its best when each of its members thrives, both physically and mentally. Therefore, we aim to create a workplace and culture where help-seeking is encouraged and where employees feel supported through a variety of health, wellness, and clinical support resources.