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Press Release

Jackson Lewis Enhances Privacy, Social Media and Information Management Capabilities

WHITE PLAINS, NY (May 11, 2011) – Jackson Lewis LLP, one of the country’s largest and fastest-growing workplace law firms, is pleased to announce the firm has developed a Privacy, Social Media and Information Management specialty field in a response to the emerging risks and vulnerabilities that companies are encountering as they access and exchange personal and business information in cyberspace.  Attorneys in the recently enhanced group, which is led by Partner Joseph Lazzarotti, will stay on the edge of legal developments that affect companies’ risks and opportunities and help clients develop preventive strategies to navigate the digital age.

“As the capacity for transmitting and storing data grows exponentially, so does the general concern for informational privacy in the United States and around the world,” says Patrick L. Vaccaro, Firm-wide Managing Partner. “A prime example is the healthcare sector, where providers and plans struggle to comply with HIPAA, HITECH, and a growing body of state law and at the same time manage the various ways sensitive patient data is transmitted and safeguarded.”

Mr. Lazzarotti adds that when advising health care providers and others, “we intend to take a holistic approach, providing coordinated common sense advice and preventive strategies addressing the range of potential issues relating to privacy, social media and data management.”

The rise of the use of social media, networking sites and blogs by forward-thinking companies across the globe played a big role in the group’s inception, as clients had frequently begun to ask for advice in monitoring and regulating employees’ social media use, using information obtained through social media in hiring, promotion and discipline decisions, and evaluating the challenges of social media in litigation. 

“We are regularly called upon to craft social media policies as well as internal protocols for management,” continues Lazzarotti.  “We hope that by having attorneys dedicated to this ever-expanding and developing facet of workplace law we will be able to respond even faster and more efficiently to our clients’ needs.”

For more information about Jackson Lewis’ Privacy, Social Media and Information Management specialty, please visit

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About Jackson Lewis

Founded in 1958, Jackson Lewis, dedicated to representing management exclusively in workplace law, is one of the fastest growing workplace law firms in the U.S., with over 650 attorneys practicing in 46 cities nationwide. We have a wide-range of specialized practice areas, including: Affirmative Action and OFCCP Diversity Planning; Disability, Leave and Health Management; Employee Benefits, including Complex ERISA Litigation and Executive Compensation; Global Immigration; Labor, including Preventive Practices; Litigation, including Class Actions, Complex Litigation and e-Discovery; Trade Secrets, Non-Competes and Workplace Technology; Wage and Hour Compliance; Workplace Safety Compliance and Corporate Diversity Counseling.  In addition, Jackson Lewis provides advice nationally in other workplace law areas, including: Reductions in Force, WARN Act; Corporate Governance and Internal Investigations; Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Management; International Employment Issues; Management Education, including e-Based Training; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Public Sector Issues; Government Relations; Collegiate and Professional Sports; and Privacy, Social Media and Information Management.

For the 10th consecutive year, Jackson Lewis has been recognized for delivering client service excellence to the world’s largest corporations.  Representing a decade of excellence, Jackson Lewis has once again earned a spot on the BTI Client Service A-Team.  Jackson Lewis has also been recognized by in-house counsel of Fortune 1000 companies in a survey conducted by BTI Consulting Group as “the single highest-ranked firm clients want by their side in employment battles.”  In addition, Jackson Lewis is ranked in the First Tier nationally in the categories of both Employment Law and Labor Law on behalf of Management in the U.S. News – Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms.”  Jackson Lewis has one of the most active employment litigation practices in the United States, with a current caseload of over 5000 litigations and approximately 300 class actions; with over 2100 litigations brought to the firm in 2010 alone. Also, Jackson Lewis is affiliated with L & E Global employers’ counsel worldwide.

Additional information about Jackson Lewis can be found at

For more information, please contact:
Lara Hamm, Jackson Lewis
T: (703) 483-8373, E: