About this tool
There Is More to Managing the Physician Workforce Than Onboarding and Benefits Administration — Are You Ready?
We work with many hospitals, health systems and other healthcare institutions to revamp their processes for physician management so that disruptive physician issues and related corrective actions no longer distract from our client’s primary focus — patient care.
We empower healthcare leaders utilizing change management best practices to drive collaborative solutions between medical staff leadership and human resources. We know from experience that the silo approach to medical staff management no longer works.

What can healthcare organizations do?
To succeed in today’s competitive healthcare market, seamless physician integration is essential. Getting there requires a strong partnership between human resources and the medical staff. Our physician integration model for change helps clients establish a partnership among the institution’s key stakeholders built on trust and respect for the differing skill sets and areas of aptitude they bring to the table. Once established, we work with clients on sustaining and continuously improving the partnership approach with the goal of both mitigating risk and increasing physician satisfaction and engagement.
Why do healthcare leaders choose us?
Employers in the highly-regulated and diverse healthcare industry trust our cross-disciplinary team of lawyers to collaborate across state lines to navigate complex legal and business challenges, seize opportunities and develop preventative strategies.
As an independent third-party, we are ideally suited to navigate internal political challenges to arrive at a collaborative solution that meets your organization’s needs. We offer best practices and lessons learned from members of our team and clients who have walked in your shoes. We can provide an attorney-client privileged assessment of potential legal exposure from a lack of communication between the medical staff, human resources and legal, and a roadmap to mitigate that risk. EngageMD® is the adaptation of our traditional preventive practice to the 21st century model of physician engagement — our founders wrote the book on mitigating risk through employee engagement in the 20th century; now we are leading the way on physician engagement.