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Press Release

Jackson Lewis Attorneys Contribute Expertise to U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Study on Employee Free Choice Act

Washington, D.C., (June 9, 2009) — Attorneys from Jackson Lewis LLP, one of the nation’s largest and fastest-growing law firms, have contributed to THE EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT: Piercing the Rhetoric , a comprehensive analysis by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on how the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) would change existing labor laws. 

The report, which was released today and is available for free download here , critiques EFCA’s three main provisions: card check certification for union organizing, compulsory interest arbitration of first contracts, and increased penalties on employers.

Partners Michael J. Lotito, Martin F. Payson, and Harold R. Weinrich, who have a combined total of over one hundred years practicing labor law at Jackson Lewis, provided the Chamber with their expert commentary and analysis throughout the publication process.

“We were honored to assist the Chamber in their effort to produce what we feel is the most definitive, comprehensive analytical piece on the Employee Free Choice Act available,” says Lotito, a Partner in Jackson Lewis LLP.  “As currently written, EFCA undermines the rights of the very people it is supposed to protect – our country’s workers – by severely curtailing their right to control their own destinies through the secret ballot voting process. 

“It is essential that everyone understands the potential consequences of the bill, which represents the most serious threat to labor law that we have seen in decades.  In addition, the proposal’s arbitration provisions are onerous.  Job creation could be directly impacted when the government imposes terms and conditions of employment upon the parties when companies today are desperately trying to control unit labor costs.  We are confident that the more people read about this bill, the less they will support it.”

About Jackson Lewis Founded in 1958, Jackson Lewis is dedicated to representing management exclusively in workplace law with 565 attorneys practicing in 41 cities nationwide.  Jackson Lewis has a wide-range of specialized practice areas, including:  Affirmative Action and OFCCP Diversity Planning; Disability, Leave and Health Management; Employee Benefits, including Complex ERISA Litigation, Workplace Privacy and Executive Compensation; Global Immigration; Labor, including Preventive Practices; Litigation, including Class Actions, Complex Litigation and e-Discovery; Trade Secrets, Non-Competes and Workplace Technology; Wage and Hour Compliance; and Workplace Safety Compliance.  In addition, Jackson Lewis provides advice nationally in other workplace law areas, including:  Reductions in Force, WARN Act; Corporate Governance and Internal Investigations; Drug Testing and Substance Abuse Management; International Issues; Management Education, including e-Based Training; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Public Sector Issues; and Government Relations. 

Additional information about Jackson Lewis can be found at

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For more information, please contact: Lara Hamm, Jackson Lewis T: (212) 545-4031, E: