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L&E Global Webinar Series: The EU Pay Transparency Directive: A Far-reaching Instrument Imposing More Than Just Transparency


October 24, 2023 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST
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Pay equity and transparency, once largely U.S. concerns, have quickly become globally significant for all multinationals, regardless of their headquarters location. The EU Directive on pay transparency is a milestone. It was adopted with a clear objective: to close the gender pay gap and facilitate equal pay claims. Although member states have three years to implement the directive, businesses should proactively respond and take appropriate action to ensure compliance and avoid the cumbersome requirement of conducting ‘pay assessments.’ The directive introduces robust enforcement mechanisms to strengthen the new reporting requirements, significantly impacting businesses. During the webinar, our employment experts from both sides of the Atlantic will contextualize the directive requirements globally and share their knowledge and insights on global best practices.

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