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Accommodations, Accommodations, Accommodations: Navigating Disability, Pregnancy and Religious Accommodation Requests


June 13, 2024 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EST
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CLE Credit: Pending
HRCI Credit: Pending
SHRM Credit: Pending

Employers are receiving employee accommodation requests at unprecedented levels. Disability, pregnancy and religious accommodation requests are governed by different laws that have distinct nuances that employers should understand. During this webinar we will discuss the basic principles underlying the ADA, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and Title VII standards governing accommodation requests. Attend this session if you are looking to develop or hone your understanding of workplace accommodations and compliance obligations.

The firm is an accredited provider of CLE in California, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. We are also accredited providers of HRCI and SHRM.

This program is intended for bona fide members of management. Jackson Lewis reserves the right to limit attendance or deny registration at its discretion.

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